NAIADES Webinar Series
Webinar 5: Water Sustainability: From Consumer Awareness to Behavioural Change Support
Time: March 17, 2022, 10-13 CET
Join the event here: https://meet.goto.com/163749861
Full program:
Water consumers awareness dashboard: an application in Alicante schools
- Ignacio Casals, Aguas de Alicante
- Evangelia Anagnostopoulou, ICCS
The role of the Quintuple Helix in water sustainability
- Richard Elelman, EURECAT
Do you know your water footprint?
- Rick Hogeboom, Water Footprint, University of Twente
Water sustainability, crisis of natural resources, and the citizens part
- Stephane Pouffary, NGO Energies 2050
Local water forums in Danube Lower Basin
- Ciprian Nanu, Business Development Group, Romania
Smart meter data and customer engagement work
- Joshua Pocock, South West Water, UK
- James Mercer, South West Water, UK
- Organisation by Anna BrΓ©kine, Mandat International
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