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ICT4Water Cluster Annual Event

ICT4Water 2019


On 11 June the ICT4Water cluster Annual event gathered nearly 100 professionals from the smart water community and 27+ member projects to work together on the digital transformation of the water sector. The event was organised in Brussels by EASME and combined speeches from keynote speakers with workshops and interactive sessions. The cluster is strongly supported by the European Commission, as mentioned in their speeches by Julien Guerrier (EASME Director) and Cristina Martinez (Deputy Head of Unit Smart Mobility & Living of DG Connect). In fact, Julien Guerrier noted that β€œWe count on the Cluster to help us deliver digitalization” in the water management sector. He underlined that the cluster’s Action Plan until 2030 is β€œambitious” and prompted member projects for action in order advance with its implementation. Lastly, he announced that β€œthe cluster will acquire a new on-line collaborative platform” with the support of EASME. The platform will allow cluster members to β€œreach-out peers, understand their work and build synergies”.

The event gathered around 100 professionals from the smart water sector and included, amongst others, panel discussions with policy makers and industry representatives, a kick-off of new action groups and thematic workshops. In addition, NAIADES had the pleasure to be introduced as a new member project and give presentation.

There are no upcoming events!