In the state of Geneva, the city of Carouge is seen as the smart city pioneer.
Carouge is recognized as "la CitΓ© de lβΓ©nergie" due to its efforts to wisely use energy resources and following sustainable actions for the environment.
Now the city takes action for tackling one more milestone vis-Γ -vis UN's sustainable development goals: water resources.
Austerity on water resources usage
Even if the lake Leman provides a large part of the drinking water consumed in Carouge, the city faces more and more water shortage during the summer months.
There is room to increase the water efficiency of the water consumed by the city (watering flowers, threes, etc...).
Assisting employees with smart watering scheduling
The city population keeps growing exponentially but the budgets are not, employees of the City are under stress to comply with their increasing duties.
The IoT solutions can simplify their jobs and save hours of work and diminish the stress.
This is especially true with the watering of many places and flowers recipients around the city.
Taking action for saving water
UDGA (www.udgalliance.org) has been a long time collaborator and IoT solutions developer and integrator for Carouge smart city europeen pilot.
In quest of becoming a smart and sustainable city, Carouge, UDGA and other NAIADES-eu project partners have been working on an innovative solution for a water economy system.
This smart monitoring system has as final goal:
- generating dynamic watering scheduling
- calculating water irrigation amounts for the city green areas
The following diagram summarizes the type of interactions for solution in place:
This solution is build upon three pillars:
- monitoring soil moisture of several strategic spots in the city using IoT technologies to understand the actual need for watering
- building energy-efficient communication systems based on low-power wide-area network (LoRa) for reading these measurements remotely
- building an AI-based IoT platform for processing the data and issuing messages for assisting operators on their daily operations
Results on the economies made in water usage with our solution coming soon, stay tuned!